What Is Your God's Name?

What Is Your God’s Name?

Check It Out--

Natural Sin Seed - (sin nature)

Adam and Eve were created with a body and soul. God then created spirit within each of them. With this spirit, they were able to communicate with God. (God is spirit).

God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the whole of earth and only forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for He wished them to know only good. This was the only thing they were not allowed to do. He told them that in the very day they ate of the tree they would die. Satan came to them in the form of a serpent and caused Eve to doubt God’s word, then told her that God had lied to her, that God did not really mean that she would die, that she would become like God herself if she ate of the fruit. This was twisting God’s words and changing the meaning altogether. Eve fell for the lie (believed it) and she and Adam willingly ate of the fruit of the tree, thereby giving over their authority (dominion) of the earth to Satan by choosing his will over God’s will. This killed the spirit in them and implanted the sin seed of Satan. God expelled them from the Garden of Eden. Satan’s sin seed was passed to all generations and now, legally, the body and soul of all, being dust of the earth, belong to Satan as the god of the age of this earth. This is how he is able to hurt us physically.

Spirit Seed - (Holy seed)

 At the time of Pentecost, after Christ’s resurrection, God once again poured out His spirit on man. The spirit seed is placed in each believer when he is born again --born again of the Holy Spirit -- he becomes a new man. Once again man was able to communicate with God. Satan can harm you physically, but he can never harm or own this spirit.

Now The Choice Is Yours --

You will nurture one seed or the other, both cannot exist in the same human and grow to maturity. The one will flourish and mature and the other will shrivel and die.

Do you ask God for guidance in your daily choices or do you need to be in control of your life and make your own choices?

If you need to be in control, you have fallen for Satan’s lie and have made yourself your god and are serving Satan. If you willingly give up control to Jehovah God, you will see that He is a much better manager and does everything for your enrichment and growth. Your spirit seed will grow and mature.

If you are a born again believer, your spirit belongs to God. Do you make choices that grieve His spirit or make him jealous? Do you cheat on him? You do if you let Satan lead you to make choices that allow the sin seed to grow instead of the spirit seed to grow.

Consider -

What do you do with your time? Do you read your Bible and pray? Do you listen to music that is uplifting and pleasing to God? Do you read books that help you understand how to study your Bible? Could you take God with you wherever you go? Do you discuss your redemption with others and show them how to have the love of God? These things help your spirit seed to grow.

Do you listen to music that is depressing or takes your focus off God and puts it on daily problems? Do you go places that you would be ashamed to take God? Do you do things you would be ashamed to have God see you do? Do you watch movies or read magazines with subject matter that is not pleasing to God? These things take your focus off God and in so doing help your sin seed to grow which pleases Satan mightily.

It is your garden and you have the choice of which seed to fertilize so it will grow to maturity and which seed will wither and die.

Now --

Which God do you really serve?



 Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve" Joshua 24: 15a


If you serve the wrong one and want to change -


1. REPENT of your sins - be truly sorry have committed them.


2. BELIEVE that Jesus was crucified for your sins, was raised from the dead and ascended to Heaven.

 3. CONFESS with your mouth that Jesus is your redeemer.

 4. ACCEPT the forgiveness that God freely gives to you and then forgive yourself.

 5. ASK GOD to guide your life and help you to be the person He wants you to be. (You will find that your will like yourself better also.)

You have the same choice as Adam & Eve --

Who will you believe?

Who will be your God?


Jehovah or Satan?


© 1989 Eva McAllen  

Butterfly Publishing
