Have you gone too
far? Is all hope gone?
Have you committed the same sins over and
over again? Are you beyond being forgiven? Are your sins so big or so many that
you feel worthless, that even God could never forgive you? Have you asked His
forgiveness so many times that you think that now that you have done it again,
He will just turn His back on you? Are you beyond saving? If your answer is "yes". This is
sheer arrogance. Since you are still alive ...there is still hope.
Let’s see...what is your big sin? Murder?
Adultery? Theft? Drug abuse? Child abuse? Parent abuse? Spouse abuse? Self
abuse?........or maybe GOD abuse? What is the biggest sin you could
commit? Let’s go to the source for the answer.
God’s word says in Matthew 22:37-40 that when Jesus was asked what the greatest
commandment was, "Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and
greatest commandment.
And the Second is like it; ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two
commandments." And in Mark 3:28-29 Jesus says: "Assuredly, I say to you, all sins
will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but
he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject
to eternal condemnation". Now if God’s word tells us that the greatest commandment is to love the
Lord our God and the second is to love our neighbor as our self, we have to
understand that He wants us to love Him and He also wants us to love ourselves,
and then to love our neighbor also. If these are the most important commandments, then the biggest sins must be the breaking of either of these two
commandments. That means that not loving God or loving something or someone
more than God is the absolute worst sin we can commit. In that case, all those
things listed above pale when compared to this. We certainly cannot love God if
we blaspheme the Holy Spirit. All other sins can be forgiven. This one cannot.
The price for this sin is eternal damnation. Hosea 4:6 tells us..... "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge....." How can we expect to even attempt to live a right life if we don’t
understand the most important rules? We must understand whose rules count. If
we believe that we can live in this world and live by our own rules and come
out winners, we are sadly mistaken. Our rules get us into more and more trouble.
We need to get our priorities straight. One of the most important fundamentals we need to understand is that
God’s word has given us not only rules, but reasons for the rules and tells of
the consequences for breaking the rules.
Another important fact is that God’s rules are for our good and will not hurt us. But breaking His rules hurt
us and breaking this first commandment can destroy us for all eternity. We will
then spend eternity alone in darkness away from God with no hope of redemption. If you believe that you have gone too far in your sin life and cannot be
forgiven, then you not only underestimate the power of God, but also His
willingness to forgive. It shows your arrogance in feeling that your sins are
so big that He either cannot or will not forgive you. Jesus is your judge. Stop
trying to do His job. You think He may forgive someone else’s sins, but yours
are too great. It grieves Him to see you in this state. The only sin He will
not forgive is the sin of refusing to love Him. He wants all to be saved and
none to be damned to Hell. But make no mistake about it. He will judge and
those who do not choose Him will go to Hell. If you have broken this first commandment-- What you need is true repentance - while you still have time, for soon it
will be too late. What this means is more than just being sorry or ashamed of
your sins. What this means is that you need to have a change of heart about
what matters and who matters. Change your mind about who God is, change your
mind about who Jesus is. Change your mind about what they did for you and what
they can do for you. Change your mind about what your sins did to you and will
do to you. Change your mind about who God can heal, restore and use again. He wants only to have your love and obedience. Is that so much to ask? In
return He gives love, guidance, protection from the enemy, peace of mind and oh
so much more. If you refuse to love God, there is no way you can really love yourself
either. Because to love yourself, you must do things that are in your own best
interest, and the foremost thing you can do in your own best interest is to
love God.
Steps to
overcome the helpless, hopeless feeling... 1. Repent 2. Believe 3. Confess 4. Accept 5. Ask God See what a difference love in all the right places can make. Butterfly Publishing
© 1989 Eva McAllen