Oh, to hear the stories that Christians tell

Of Satan, fire, death and hell

Of demons that torture night and day

Of pain and suffering along the way


They say these things are meant to be

For only those who just won't see

The other choice, the ONE above

The God of Peace and Hope and Love.


Now what if I choose Satan's way

To live my life from day to day

Just let myself have loads of fun

Now how much harm could I have done?


First I could just go hang around

In the darker parts of town

Or lie or steal or cuss and drink

It doesn't matter what people think.


And what's a little cheating now and then?

Everyone does it; it's not such a sin.

I only want what I deserve

So to have my way, who do I serve?


You say this Christ, He died for me?

He paid the price to set me free?

He willingly laid down His life

To save me from all sin and strife?


He took my cross and carried it

To keep me from the firey pit

He took away all sin and shame

And laid it on His Precious Name.


Now why would Jesus care for me

So much he'd hang there on that tree?

He's given all that He can give

To offer Life and let me live.


I guess my choice is finally clear

I'll serve my God while I am here

I'll love Him every day I live

I'll give Him all I've got to give.


I know He knows what's best for me

For He can see things I can't see

I'll trust Him each and every day

For every step along the way.


The choice is clear -- God's way is best

For, Satan, you have failed the test.

You're doomed already, by the Book

God's already said it. Take a look!


And Satan, you can't have my heart

For Jesus lives there; He won't part

And just to let you know who's boss

Just look at that ol' rugged cross.


For that ol' cross, you'll find it bare

For Jesus is no longer there

Death can't keep him in the grave

Freedom over death, He gave.


I'll have eternity to Praise His Name

I know I'll never be the same

Since Christ has set me free from sin

And sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within.


So let me share my song with you

And tell you what my God can do

He'll give you Peace and Joy inside

And from your fears, you'll never hide.


For all victory is yours, in Jesus' Name

And you will never be the same

Let Jesus in and take His hand

You'll be on your way to the Promise Land...



By Shirley Gutierrez


Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing

debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow

man has fulfilled the law (Romans 13:8)