The Unique World of Butterflies


The story is told of a time when an

awkward but pretty flying insect, called

the flutterby, was known by that

name through the whole of a kingdom.

One day when the king and his attending

servants were walking through the

royal garden, he remarked how beautiful

this creature was.  In an unintended

spoonerism, he called it a butterfly.  The

staff giggled at first, then laughed out

loud.  The king was embarrassed, then

made a proclamation that from that day

on, no one should ever call it a flutterby

again, under threat of imprisonment. And

ever since, it has always been called a


Logical? Maybe, but let’s look at this

delicate creation.


It begins life as a caterpillar, then quietly

goes through a process called

metamorphosis, suddenly breaking out as

a completely different organism—a

butterfly.  Now it has wings that lift it

high in the air and are able to carry it

over vast distances and have all the colors

of the spectrum.


These colors are made up of thousands

upon thousands of tiny scales.  Each set in

a predetermined pattern. These tiny scales

act as baffles, refracting the light

and filtering out all the colors of the

rainbow except the one that fits it’s own

personal pattern.  These scales

form stripes and dots that are unique to

each species.  Some patterns look like

large eyes.  Others look just like

a leaf.  And some blend in with the flower

they are feeding on, so completely that

they are barely discernible.


Most of us, at some time in our lives, have

caught a butterfly and noticed that when

we rubbed the wing, a powder-like

substance came off on our fingers, and the

colors came off, leaving a bare wing.  We

have just rubbed off the scales, and if you

looked at your finger, you could see them.


Now it has delicate feelers to detect

odors. A long proboscis to feed on nectar,

and compound eyes, to watch in nearly all

directions at once.  And most amazing,

some butterflies taste with their toes.

By touching the nectar with their feet,

They can detect sugar as small as 1/200th the ability of man’s tongue.


Could all this simply come about by random

chance--not once, but in this case, twice-

-and in the same creature?

No, this comes only by design, and that

design only by God.


Those of us who have accepted Jesus as

our Savior, have, like the butterfly, gone

through a tremendous metamorphosis.

Maybe not the extreme physical change,

but one deeper—more subtle.  A conversion

of faith that can only be experienced by

graciously taking this wonderful gift of a

loving God.  That is the real change.

That inner glow that reflects to the

outside world that we are joint heirs with

Christ.  And believe me, the world

WILL see that change.


This gentle, fluttering creation is always a

reminder of the very reason for our

existence.  To praise and worship

Jesus—our Creator, our Savior, our God.


My friend, wouldn’t you like to go through

A metamorphosis and leave all cares and

hurts of the world behind to become a

child of the Lord Jesus Christ?  Just

ask Him to forgive you and allow Him to

come into your heart and life.  His love is

real.  His promise is true.

He wants to give you this very special gift.

Just reach out and freely accept it, and

you can become a new creation in Him.


“For all things were created by Him and

for Him, and without Him was not anything

made that was made.”

(John 1:3)