Walking with Christ in the Details of Life

by Patrick Morally



Several men went on a trip to Haiti where they met a

nineteen-year-old boy who loved Christ deeply.  He impressed

them so profoundly that they invited him to visit the United



Upon arrival a whole new world opened up before this young

Haitian?s eyes.

He had never slept between sheets, never had three meals on

the same day, never used indoor plumbing, and never tasted



While traveling the U.S., this godly young man made many

new friends.  At the end of a six-week-long visit, his

sponsors hosted a farewell dinner in his honor.  After dinner

several members of the group offered warm parting remarks.

Then they asked the young Haitian if he would like to say


?Yes,? he said as he rose, ?I would.  I want to thank you so

much for inviting me here.  I have rally enjoyed this time in

the United States.  But I am also very glad to be going home.

You have so much in America, that I?m beginning to lose my

grip on my day-to-day dependency on Christ.?


Do you have ?so much? that you find it hard to keep a grip on

your day-to-day dependency on Christ?  Or worse, have you

lost your grip?


When we don?t need to depend on Christ, we will not....Our

natural tendency is to depend on self, not Christ.  Depending

on Christ is an act of the will by faith, not the natural

disposition of our heart.


I have prayed that God will always keep some major unmet

need in my life so that I will always depend upon Him.  To be

really in need, like the widow in 1 Timothy 5:5, creates

dependency.  To have so much, as the young Haitian

observed, creates self-sufficiency.  When our lives prosper, the

 natural tendency is to lose our grip.


Someone called my prayer courageous.

I disagree.  It is not of courage, but of fear?the fear of a

holy God.  For God has the power to give us what we deserve,

whether good or bad.

I have come to fear, with reverence and awe,

the God who is, for

He is a consuming fire.


Joshua 24

This is a good Life Lesson.

I Hope it strengthens and renews your commitment of

obedience to God

God?s peace be with you this day  

The beautiful Picture on this Page in the Gold Frame was Painted by Artist Danny Hahlbohm.  His work may not be used without his agents permission.  Visit his Site by clicking the banner below


