Ready For YJK?


Whew! Here it is, mid-January, 2000 and the lights are still

 on, there’s groceries in the store, and martial law has not

 been imposed. As everyone knows by now, the disaster

 scenarios for Y2K fortunately never came to pass. Why?

 Because the Y2K scenario was a hypothesis, an educated

 guess to be sure. And since the cause had its origin in the

 folly of man, man could rely upon his own ingenuity and

 cleverness to solve the problem. What’s more, where

 self-interest, and preservation are at stake, God’s highest

 creation always will avail himself of every resource available

to assure his continued comfortable life style. Millions of

 dollars, and untold millions of man-hours were expended to correct

 the cause, a computer “glitch”.



But just as tentative as the Y2K scenario was, there are

 cataclysmic events that will take place just as surely as day

 follows night. These events make the Y2K disasters look like

 a stroll in the park. Since these events are of divine origin

 and design, man will be powerless to stop them. Of course I

 am speaking of the events leading up to the “great and

 terrible day of the Lord” [Joel 2:31], that day “when the Lord

 Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty

 angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do

 not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our

 Lord Jesus.” [2 Thessalonians. 1:7-8]



The good news is that there is an escape clause for God’s

 people. In Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, he writes

 that it is Jesus who will deliver us from the wrath to come

 [1:10], and that God has not destined us for wrath but for

obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. [5:9] Jesus Himself

 told us to pray that we might have the strength to

 escape these things and stand before the Son of Man.

 [Luke 21:36]


And so there was a lot of talk over the last several years,

 and especially in 1999, about Y2K as the calendar

relentlessly rolled on. I, like many other Christians, often

discussed these things with others over coffee. And I, like

 most other folks, had my own opinions. But today I would like

 to appeal to all Christians that we replace the Y2K paradigm

 with a new one – YJK. That we look forward in earnest to the Year

 of Jesus Christ the King when He comes to establish

 His government on the earth, a government that will last a

 full millenium before the creation of the new heaven and

earth. And that now our discussion and witness be a reflection

 of our obedience to the Lord Jesus who commanded us to

 “Take heed, keep on the alert;” [Mark 13:33] and who

 taught that to say He is not coming for a long time is evil

 {Matthew 24:48]. Christians, the time for sleeping is over.

 “We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not

 sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.”

 [1 Thessalonians. 55-6]



Want to hear more? Want to be prepared for YJK? A

thorough discussion of YJK, and complete instructions for

 preparation, are given in God’s Holy Word – the Bible.



Pastor Richard Lohry

First Congregational Church

Cook, Minnesota  

Published in the Cook News Herald

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