The Greatest Gift of All


It was Sunday night, the football game was over and 

my team had won.  I had a good job where my wife could 

stay at home, two beautiful boys, good health, a nice 

home, pets, both big and little boy toys to play with, etc.

  But sitting alone after the rest of the family was in bed, 

I still felt a sense of emptiness that all of these wonderful

 and good things could not fill.  I reflected back at times

in my life when I really desired to have something thinking

it would really make me feel great.


Well it did, usually for a few weeks, and then the excitement 

seem to disappear.  As I would sit alone with time away from 

my busy distractions, the questions kept coming back.  Why do 

I feel like I am missing something, an empty sort of feeling?  

Why am I here?  What is the purpose of life anyway? Why 

doesn’t material things, hobbies, or other people seem to fill 

that mysterious void I keep feeling from time to time? Is this 

all there is to life?


Some people try to fill this emptiness with a variety of 

things in their lives such as doing good things, going to

church, shopping, work, going out to eat, sports, hobbies

entertainment, other people to give them value, status, etc.

  Others try to fill this emptiness with sinful things like

getting  a high off drugs or alcohol, pornography, gossip,

slander, coarse talking, homosexuality, any sex outside of

marriage, etc.


While some of the above things are good, and others 

destructive forces in our lives, none are the source of life.  

These activities will seem to work for a while but finally give 

way to falling short of the promise many believe they hold. 


The greatest Christmas gift is eternal life through

Christ alone.  


At Christmas, and all year round Jesus came to fill that 

mysterious void that everyone has in their hearts.

Jesus Christ is the answer for all of the tough questions

in life and he loves you and desires to come into your life.

Some people have to hit rock bottom with a problem before

they make the decision to follow Jesus.  That was not the

case for my family or myself.


I guess somehow I just knew there was more to life then

what my B.S. degree experience from the University told me.

It may surprise you to find out that you don’t have to become

a missionary to Africa to follow Jesus.  You can share or be

part of his good news to others when fishing, bowling, cleaning,

cooking, hunting, playing sports, etc., etc., etc.


 Please don’t be turned off to Christ

because Christians are not perfect.  Jesus still is perfect! 

His message is still true! If you would like to ask Jesus

for eternal life, the following is a good way to start.

This message was blessed by 60 different denominations

(including the Lutheran and Catholic bishops) 

for the Billy Graham crusade:

1) Admit you’re a sinner. Everyone has sinned and one sin

is enough to condemn you, and as a result, not being allowed 

to enter heaven.

 Read Romans 3:23 & 6:23 - Proverbs 14:12 - 

Isaiah 59:2.


2) Be willing to turn from your sins (repent).

God will help you through this process of taking off

the old behaviors and putting on new ones.

Read Romans 5:1,8-1 Peter 3:18a-1 Timothy 2:5-

John 10:10 &,3:16. 

3) Believe that Jesus died for you on the cross and rose

from the grave. Read John 14:6  - Romans 5:1

4) Talk to Jesus like he is sitting across the table from

you and pray to him to come into your life. Invite him to take

control and give direction through the Holy Spirit.  Receive

him as Lord and Savior.  

Jesus said there “IS NO OTHER WAY” to heaven except

through him.   Then tell others about Jesus!

Read Revelation 3:20-John 1:12 -Romans 10:9,13-

Ephesians 2:8,9.

Good works flow from believers in Jesus as a result

of a new heart.

Read James 2:14.


If you have questions please feel free to call or talk

to someone you know who has Christ as Lord and Savior.

I now have answers to the tough questions in life and have

a purpose for being on this  Earth. I have help to keep

going during good times or bad. May the Lord bless you

and your loved ones!



  A Friend of Jesus, Danny Quam, 612-424-5795