The  Restoration VISION  

  (Spring 1996)


I have learned over the years, that when I dream of houses and rearrangements of furnishings that the dream usually pertains to my spiritual house.  Recently, I had such a dream and asked the Lord for the correct interpretation.  The dream is as follows:

 I have come upon a beautiful mansion undergoing restoration.  There are big round white columns on the front of the house.  The workmen are stripping the white paint from the columns and from the wood of the house itself.  They are then applying clear varnish to the wood to show the beauty and grain of the wood.  I enter the house and find myself sitting in the living room with very few other people.  I want to look at the beautiful house, so I get up and walk through the kitchen, which has a stairway leading upstairs.  As I start up the stairs, I realize I left my purse in the living room, thought about retrieving it, and decided it would be okay to just leave it where it was.


Upstairs there were many rooms, but I was drawn to a huge suite of rooms that contained whirlpools of all shapes and sizes.  I have an affinity for whirlpools, so I started walking from one to another.  The room seemed to be on different levels and should have had stairs leading from the different levels.  I was unable to find the stairs and was perplexed about how a person was supposed to get from one level to the next.  I also wondered about the need for so many different whirlpools, in all shapes and sizes.  I finally came upon a plan of walking through an adjoining room to see if that would lead to the upper level.  This room was about ten feet square with shower heads on all walls of the room with a circular pad of what looked like green grass in the middle.  I jumped over to this pad and was amazed as all the showerheads came on at once and I was being soaked. I looked down at myself and found that all my clothes had disappeared and I was actually standing nude.   I looked around and found many teenagers also looking at the room. The saw me but did not seem surprised at what they saw.  I was wondering how I could find a towel and my clothes, but never did find them and after a while gave up the search and just continued on looking at the house as though I were invisible.  Here the dream ends.


When I asked God for an interpretation - He explained it this way -


The house is me- - He created me beautiful, but over the years the sin had built up and become dirty like many coats of paint and He had the job of restoring me to show the original beauty that I was meant to have.  Not just refinishing but actually restoring me to allow the inner beauty of His love for my soul to appear.


The purse has always represented my financial security and never in the past would I have left it anywhere, I had always held it tight.  Recently, however, I stepped out in faith that the Lord would provide for me.  I retired from my excellent paying job, not knowing how I would make up the difference each month in the amount I get from my pension and the amount that will be needed for my expenses.  (The pension alone is not enough). I left the job and was okay with the decision.


The bathroom is a place of cleansing and relaxation.  I have always enjoyed whirlpools and the relaxation they bring from the heavy stresses of life and my job.  I have been so stressed out from the job, that I probably thought it would take many whirlpools to do the job.  Indeed, I have been taking physical therapy on my shoulders for stress.   He says, I can relax in his arms and feed on His Word and exercise Faith that He will take care of my needs to stay in good health. The shower is a place for cleansing.  He says, that if I think that those showers did a thorough job of cleansing me and even removing my clothes, just think how much more thoroughly Jesus’ blood has cleansed and removed my sins, which were many.


I asked about the missing steps, and was told that though I can sometimes see the goal down the road, I cannot always see the steps it takes to get there.  I will just have to have faith that they are there and to trust him to show them to me.


The teenagers in the shower represent young people God will place in my life.  He says that the fact that they saw me nude shows what is going to happen.  He will expose me, and all my sin to the young people, but I will not be shamed for it.  It will be to glorify Him.  By exposing my past and being able to understand them and identify with the pain of their young lives, I can show them the way to His Salvation and the way to healing and restoration through His Grace that might not be available to them in any other way.


The process has not only begun, but most of the vision has come true.



Ephesians 1:4-9

For he chose us in him, before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.  In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.

And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,



© 1996 Eva McAllen

Butterfly Publishing